Internal Billing Document Help

The Internal Billing (IB) document is primarily used by authorized recharge units/departments to bill for goods or services provided by one university department to another university department.

The IB reflects income to the provider and expense to the customer.

  • The Income side of the IB ONLY allows objects that are type IC—RECHARGE (e.g., 3900—INTERDEPARTMENTAL RECHARGE); for example, you may use object code 3900 (Interdepartmental Recharge) in the Income section using the account(s) of the organization that will be receiving the credit (income) for the transaction.
  • The Expense side of the IB is where you will enter the customer account(s) to be charged (expensed) for the transaction. The Expense section ONLY allows objects that are type ES—EXPENSE NOT EXPENDITURE. These are the object codes used for self-supporting activities.
    Note: If you do not have a unique object code for your self-supporting activity on an IB or when using a feed, contact Jim Seibert to have a unique object code created. Include the fund number, description of the activity, and what charts your recharge customers are in (i.e., 3, L, S, and/or H).


The IB document auto-approves in 12 calendar days from the day it was first initiated (even if the document is saved to an Action List). In other words, if all approvers on the document do not approve it within 12 days, the system will automatically approve it. We do not recommend that you initiate an IB document until you are ready to submit (not save) it. The exception to the auto-approval is during the last few days of fiscal close, during which auto-approval occurs in fewer days.

Reversing an IB

A fully-approved IB document will have an Error Correction button at the bottom of the document (like other Financial Transaction document types); clicking on this button will allow the user to completely reverse the document. If you only wish to reverse a portion of an IB, you should create a new IB document, then enter the equivalent negative dollar amounts in the Income and Expense sections and the same object code(s) cited on the original document. In either case, the reason for the correction should be indicated in the Explanation field.

Internal Conference Registration Fees

The IB document can also be used by any department that recharges another department for internal conference registration fees. In this case, use object code 3900 for the account(s) that you wish to credit in the Income section and 726A—Registration Fees Internal in the Expense section. For other conference/class registration fees, continue to use 7260—Registration Fees.

Equipment Fabrications

When processing a recharge for an equipment fabrication, use Object code 3900 in the Income section and object code 9601 in the Expense section.