Finance and Business Systems Training

Finance and Business Systems Courses

Links to courses and support materials for a selection of UC Davis systems can be found here. Additional resources may also be available directly on the webpage for that system.

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AggieBudget Courses


AggieBudget Department Administrator Training

Provides an overview of the AggieBudget system and describes responsibilities of AggieBudget Department Administrators. This course is required for AggieBudget users assigned the Department Administrator role.Online (eLearning)20 minLearn More

AggieBudget Labor Plan File Editor Training

Provides an overview of the AggieBudget system and teaches you how to edit plan files related to labor budget planning. This online training is required for AggieBudget users granted the Labor Plan File Editor role.Online
20 minLearn More

AggieBudget Operating Plan File Editor Training

Provides an overview of the AggieBudget system and teaches you how to edit plan files related to operating budgets. This online training is required for AggieBudget users granted the Operating Plan File Editor role.Online (eLearning)20 minLearn More

Time Reporting System (TRS)

Bi-weekly EmployeeOnline training for BIWEEKLY-paid employees on using the Time Reporting System (TRS). Information on employees' responsibilities, how to create a timesheet, edit timesheet, submit timesheet, and help resources will be discussed.Online (eLearning)20 minGo to Course
Department Time Administrators (DTA)Online training for Department Time Administrators (DTA) on using the Time Reporting System (TRS). Information on TRS roles and responsibilities, how to monitor the employee profile, assign primary and backup supervisors to employees, submit timesheet to UCPath and other help resources.Online (eLearning)20 minGo to Course
Monthly EmployeesOnline training for MONTHLY-paid employees on using the Time Reporting System (TRS). Information on employees' responsibilities, how to create a timesheet, edit timesheet, submit timesheet, and help resources will be discussed.Online (eLearning)10 minGo to Course
SupervisorsTime Reporting System (TRS) Training for primary and backup SUPERVISORS. Includes supervisor responsibilities, how to approve, return, and edit an employee timesheet and online help resources.Online (eLearning)25 minGo to Course


AggieDocsAggieDocs is one of UC Davis' document archiving and retrieval systems. It provides business automation, workflow, records management and document imaging as well as integrating technologies to enhance user productivity and business processing solutions.Online (eLearning)15 minGo to Course

Contracts & Grants Accounting

Cost Share ApplicationThe Cost Share Application is a reporting system that allows the capture of expense transactions for reporting committed cost-shared expenses to sponsoring agencies.Online (eLearning) Go to Course
Effort Reporting SystemThe course "ERS Briefing for Principal Investigators" is an overview of the policies applicable to effort reporting and demonstrations of procedures to follow when certifying effort in the Effort Reporting System (ERS).Online (eLearning)30 minGo to Course

Glacier - Tax Reporting & Compliance

GLACIERGLACIER is a secure online tax compliance system that foreign visitors use to provide their immigrant and tax data to UC Davis. GLACIER helps determine tax residency, withholding rates, and income tax treaty eligibility.PDF View PDF