DTA Alternate Access

Requesting Alternate Access for a Department Outside your Service Channel

There are situations when an employee's assignment in TRS is under a department that is not within the Service Channel that would like to manage the timesheet. Reassigning "ownership" of the timesheets in TRS is called Alternate Department Access.  Alternate Department Access can be granted to a department using the process identified below, and will be in effect until the assignment ends.  If there is an extension done retroactively the requesting Service Channel may need to re-request the Alternate Access.

Process to Request Alternate Access

1. Service Channel that wants the access contacts the Service Channel that currently has responsibility for the timesheet in TRS

2. The requesting Service Channel should provide the following to the granting Service Channel:

  • Employee name and UCPath ID for assignment to be updated
  • Current department code (before change)
  • Assignment number
  • Alternate department code (within requesting Service Channel)

3. The granting Service Channel sends an email to the TRS Help Desk with the following:

  • Confirmation of approval to assign alternate access to the requesting Service Channel
  • Contact at Requesting Service Channel (name and email)
  • Employee name and UCPath ID for assignment to be updated
  • Current department code (before change)
  • Assignment number
  • Alternate department code (within requesting Service Channel)

4. TRS Help Desk will confirm with the requesting Service Channel contact when Alternate Department Access has been granted

Removing Alternate Access

Alternate Department Access will automatically end when the assignment ends in TRS.

1. Original requesting Service Channel that was granted Alternate Access or Service Channel that granted the request can ask for the access to be removed by providing the following information to the TRS Help Desk:

  • Employee name and UCPath ID for assignment to be reverted
  • Current department code (granted alternate access)
  • Assignment number
  • Ending date of the alternate access

2. TRS Help Desk will confirm with the Service Channel contact when Alternate Department Access has been removed