An intramural award is money given by UCOP to an individual or group.
Examples of intramural awards are: UC Discovery, New Investigator, and Postdoctoral/Clinical Fellowship and Dissertation. In most cases, the money comes directly from UCOP but sometimes the money is administered by another campus (e.g., the UC MEXUS program is managed by UC Riverside).
What is the intramural award process?
The intramural award process works as follows:
- UCOP announces the criteria for available awards.
- An individual submits a proposal.
- UCOP reviews the proposals and decides which ones to fund.
- UCOP sends an Award Notice to the signing official of the recipient campus, with copies to the Contracts and Grants office, Accounting Office, and Principal Investigator.
- The recipient agrees to accept the award.
- The recipient's department sets up a KFS account to accept the funds (typically in UC account 44xxxx and fund 199xx or 69xxx). If the fund doesn't exist, the recipient's department contacts General Accounting to have the fund added.
- UCOP transfers the money to the recipient's department via an Interlocation Transfer of Funds (ITF) Form (XLS).
How do I manage an intramural award?
Unlike most extramural awards, it is the responsibility of the recipient to submit periodic technical and financial reports to the UCOP UC Grant Administration Office, in accordance with the terms of the award, informing that office of the progress of the project. If reports are not received by the due date, reminders will be sent to the recipient. If no response, funding may be recalled, and future funding may be prohibited.
What happens when an intramural award ends?
At the end of the award, you have these options:
- Return to UCOP any balance within 90 days of award end date unless the award terms say otherwise.
- Request that unexpended funds be carried forward, except if it's the final year (see Forms).
- Request a no-cost time extension (see Forms).