How to manage the university-related event account.
Step A
What to do: Prepare a KFS Budget Adjustment (BA) document
How to do it: Create a Current Budget using the BA document to enter the approved budget for the event account. For procedures, see the Online Reference Manual.
Step B
What to do: Understand the rules
How to do it: All transactions must be in accordance with the account purpose.
All expenditures associated with the event should be recorded in university-related event accounts and not in other department accounts, unless there is a gift or grant account(s) for the event.
If federal contracts or grants are charged from these accounts, the accounts must break even (i.e., total income equals total expense) including any subsidies (e.g., gifts, grants, or other departmental support) by the end of the event. Federal funds cannot be charged more than the actual expenses incurred.
Step C
What to do: Collect fees
How to do it: When recharging other UC Davis departments for participant/registration fees, use the KFS Internal Billing (IB) document. Use object code 3900 for the recharge and 726A for the expense.
When recharging another UC campus for participant/registration fees, use the Intercampus/Interdepartmental Order form.
When charging non-UC sources for participant/registration fees, record the income by using the CASHNet Deposit Report.
Step D
What to do: Ensure the account is not in overdraft at the end of the event/activity.
How to do it: If necessary, transfer expenses to an appropriate account using a KFS Distribution of Income and Expense (DI) document. Make sure the expense is allowed on the "transferred to" fund source (e.g., general funds, contract/grant funds).
Step E
What to do: Create a KFS BA document at the end of the event to match actual expenditures.
How to do it: Use a KFS Budget Adjustment (BA) to adjust the Current budget to match the actual expenditures for the event by object consolidation (INCO, SUB3, etc). Budget any excess to SUB8.
Step F
What to do: Make remaining adjustments as needed.
How to do it: If the event is recurring, leave the balance (if any) in the account.
If the event is not recurring, make sure there are no pending documents or liens. Check for balances. If there is a balance, use it toward another university-related event. If there's absolutely no other event to which the balance can be applied, then General Accounting may transfer the balance to an account in Fund 69640 - Education and Research. Provide General Accounting with the university related event account number, your department's account that corresponds to Education and Research Fund 69640, and the amount to be transferred.
After the transfer is done, expire the account.