KFS Access Information

Kuali Financial System is now read-only. Visit Aggie Enterprise

Information on how to get access to KFS or to secure additional roles (and corresponding permissions).

Please note that each of the roles listed below will be automatically inactivated if the employee separates from the university or transfers to another School/College or VC Office. At a minimum, departments should review their list of KFS users at least once a year.

  • Financial System User: Gives UC Davis employee access to create most KFS documents, with the exception of the documents listed in the roles below, which require roles in addition to the Financial System User role. This role also grants access to FIS Decision Support as a normal access user. This is the most basic role in KFS and the one that you will need if you will be creating and/or approving documents in KFS. If you will need this role and other roles, please complete the steps to acquire this role before proceeding with additional roles.
    • Create: Process a KFS User document.
    • Deactivate: Process a KFS User document.
  • Purchasing User: Gives KFS user access to CREATING Requisition and Purchase Agreement documents.
  • Payroll Expense DS User: Gives KFS user (or DS Only user) access to running the Payroll Expense Distribution Report (339) and Payroll Lien/Committed Salary Report (340) reports in FIS Decision Support for historical PPS salary data.
  • Dean's Office: This role allows users to blanket approve Organization documents within their own organization and is also used for approval routing of Budget Adjustment documents with Base Budget adjustments affecting their organization.
  • Dean's Office Special Approvers: This role grants users in the Dean's offices the ability to blanket approve Budget Adjustment documents within their organization as well as expedite Year End documents during specified periods of fiscal closing. Members of this role should be groups assigned to their respective organizations and is managed by General Accounting. The members of the groups for each school or college is maintained via the Group document by the departments.
    • Create: Create a Group document with KFS users who should be assigned to this role. Future changes to the members of the group can then be completed by the department by initiating another Group document.
    • Deactivate: If an employee no longer needs this role, inactivate them from the group that you assigned to this role by completing a Group document.
  • NPA: This role grants users who have been designated by those with delegated authority to approve agreements/contracts by Contracting Services the ability to create NPA purchasing agreement and requisition documents (e.g., construction, real estate, performance artists).
  • Campus Journal Voucher (JV): This role is granted to a department with the need to consistently transfer transactions to or from a balance sheet/clearing account(s) to income/expense accounts (e.g., credit card clearing account to revenue accounts, sales tax from revenue accounts to tax liability accounts). 

Viewing Roles Assigned to KFS Users in your Organization

  1. On the KFS Main Menu, click on the KFS User link under the System category in navigation menu.
  2. Enter your Organization Chart and Organization Code. The resulting report will include all active KFS users assigned to that specific organization. If you have multiple organization codes for your department, we recommend that you run the lookup for each code to ensure that you have reviewed all applicable KFS users.
  3. To see the list of roles assigned to each KFS user, see instructions below.

How to Determine Roles Assigned to an Individual Employee

On the KFS Main Menu, click on the Role link under the System category in navigation menu. Enter the user ID of the employee in the Principal Name field and click the Search button. The corresponding role(s) will be listed in the Role Name field.