FIS DS Labor Reports

The Payroll Expense Distribution (339) and Payroll Lien/Committed Salary Report (340) in FIS Decision Support can help you review historical payroll ledgers (prior to UCPath).

Submit the application to request access.


  1. Using the Payroll Expense Distribution (339) in FIS DS
  2. Using the Payroll Lien/Committed Salary Report (340) in FIS DS
  3. Payroll Ledger Review: Using The 339 Report
  4. Information for Accounting Office Access Users
  5. 339 Report: Searching by Home Department Code Field and Ability to Group Transactions by Employees
  6. 339 Report: Payroll Across Multiple Organizations

1. Using the Payroll Expense Distribution (339) in FIS DS

The Power of 2 PPS DS Reports in 1!

The former PPS DS Reports listed below have been replaced with FIS DS Report, Payroll Expense Distribution (339):

  • Expense Distribution by Acct, Consol Obj (7)
  • Distribution of Payroll Expense (104)

With the default settings on the 339, the report behaves very similarly to the PPS DS 104 report. There are options on the 339 report that allow you to suppress data, so that behaves like the PPS DS 7 report.

The Payroll Expense Distribution (339) only shows data for July 2011 and forward. For historical data (pre-July 2011), the PPS DS Reports Expense Distribution by Acct, Consol Obj (7) and Distribution of Payroll Expense (104) should be used.

Functions of the 339 Report

  • Cross Fiscal Years
  • Results broken down by Object Consolidation
  • Totals by Object Codes

Special Considerations

  • Accounts without payroll activity do not appear on the 339 report.
  • Balance Sheet (BS) type accounts do not appear on the 339 report.

NOTE: When viewing payroll activity on the Transaction Listing (2), document numbers are included when you choose the option for Document Summarization. The document numbers for the payroll are identified with a PR origin code. The numbers after the dash indicate the type of pay (MO, B1, B2) and the fiscal period and year in which the pay was processed. For example, document number PR-MO032012would be a monthly (MO) pay document for the third (03) fiscal period (September) for the Fiscal Year 2012.

Seeing Employee Totals on the 339 Report

  • Select the Payroll Transaction Grouping of Object Consolidation
  • In the Display/Output Options, set Employee Total to Include
  • Select the Output Format of Rich Text Format (RTF)

Viewing Report by Fund View Versus Person View

  • To retrieve a report by fund view, enter an Organization code(s). This will return all pay lines for that organization(s).
  • To retrieve a report by person view, enter a (Home) Department Code. This will return employees who are assigned in PPS to that dept code as home OR alternate dept code.

2. Using the Payroll Lien/Committed Salary Report (340) in FIS DS

This report replaces the PPS DS Report Payroll Lien/Committed Salary (16). For historical data (pre-July 2011), the PPS DS Report Payroll Lien/Committed Salary (16) should be used.

If you do not see Lien Begin or Lien End Dates for some or all of the employees on your report, please keep in mind:

Payroll encumbrances are received on a per compute basis.

  • Lien Begin and Lien End Dates for employees in Biweekly (B1, B2) pay schedules will appear on the 340 report when the Current Month Range Period is selected.
  • Lien Begin and Lien End Dates for Monthly (MO) pay schedule employees will NOT appear on the Current or Future Month Range Periods until the Monthly compute data has posted to the labor ledger for that period(s). Thus, it may appear that there are missing encumbrances when, in reality, the monthly compute has not yet run for that period(s).

There is an inverse relationship between the Cumulative and the Committed totals. As the Cumulative totals increase, the Committed totals decrease.

Because the data on the report is only updated after each payroll compute, it is best to run the report for the previous month in order to get the most up-to-date numbers for your employees.

NOTE: When an employee with an indefinite end date is liened against a grant, the system will encumber for the life of the grant, or a maximum of five years, whichever comes first.

3. Payroll Ledger Review: Using The 339 Report

Payroll ledger review is required in accordance with UCD Policy & Procedure Manual 330-11. When certifying the Payroll Expense Distribution (339) report, users are not required to print the report. The 339 report does not contain the certification statement as did the PPS DS reports. Certifiers should complete the UC Davis Payroll Ledger Review Certification Log, sign and date the certification log, and keep it on file in their business office for 10 years.

NOTE: You may notice a disclaimer on the 339 report that it's not a official financial statement. It is an internal report, not a financial statement. In other words, it is not a statement to be used for external reporting.

It is an official record of the university for internal use only in the management of payroll funds. PR ledger reviewers are certifying the validity of the content of the 339 to ensure accurate accounting and to support financial reporting and decision making. Certifying the 339 is important because the data from the Payroll ledger (from which the 339 is created) gets summarized and reported in financial statements. The fairness of the presentation of the financial statements is assured through audits.

See the Ledger Review page for more information.

4. Information for Accounting Office Access Users

Accounts with an Account Type Code of Balance Sheet (BS) only appear on the 339 report for users with Accounting Office access. Users with other types of access do not see BS accounts.

When Accounting Office users query the 339 using Home Department Code or Organization, Balance Sheet (BS) accounts will be excluded from the report.

Accounting Office users can retrieve BS accounts by specifying them in the search criteria on the 339.

5. 339 Report: Searching by Home Department Code Field and Ability to Group Transactions by Employees

You can search on the Department Code field to search for accounts assigned to a specific home department code to which your employees are paid from (Full Accounting Unit-FAU Home Department Code).

In addition, options have been added to allow the 339 report to be grouped by employee totals (for the HTML format only; HTML output format allows printing with page-break by account, which is similar to RTF). A Payroll Transaction Grouping option is available and allows users to group by Object Consolidation or by Employee.

When a user selects Transaction Grouping by Employee, the display of transactions is:

  • Sectioned by Chart-Account-Sub Account
  • Within the section, sorted by
    • Employee Name
    • Pay Period End Date (PPE Date)
    • DOS (Description of Service) Code
    • Project Code
    • Salary and Benefits lines: Salary is displayed first: SUBG, SUBS, SB01, etc., followed by the Benefits object code(s) associated with that salary. For example:
      • SUBG, 8515
      • SUBG, 8515, 8550, 8551
      • SUBG, 8515, 8570, 8590, 8970
      • 8931, 8932
      • For Chart H: SUBG, then benefit codes in numerical order (8231, 8300, 8310, 8500, etc.)

When a user selects Show Employee Total (for Transaction Grouping by Employee), transactions are totaled by:

  • FAU (including project code)
  • Employee Name
  • Pay Period End Date (PPE Date)
  • DOS Code

6. 339 Report: Payroll Across Multiple Organizations

If you select the option Show Cross-Orgs Payroll Lines, the 339 will query based on the given criteria that you provide and retrieve:

  • all chart-accounts from expense lines
  • all employees paid on those accounts
  • all the transactions paid to these employees.

This allows the 339 report to retrieve all the payroll lines for employees for all accounts across multiple organizations.

  • If checked, user will see payroll transactions from all accounts across multiple orgs
  • If unchecked, user will see payroll transactions limited to the search criteria provided


  • If you enter an employee ID, an account, and check the Show Cross-Orgs Payroll Lines option, the resulting report will include any payroll activity for the selected account, as well as any other account(s) on which the employee is paid.
  • If you enter an employee ID, an account, and DO NOT check the Show Cross-Orgs Payroll Lines option, the resulting report will include any payroll activity for the selected account ONLY on which the employee is paid.
  • The behavior works the same way on the 339 if you enter an organization code instead of an account in the examples above.