DS Only Access

FIS Decision Support (DS) provides the ability to grant limited access to faculty and staff that do not have a daily business need for KFS.

Kuali Financial System (KFS) users are automatically granted FIS DS access. However, some departments may have a business need to grant non-KFS users access to  FIS Decision Support. This access is known as "DS Only" access. The access is granted by approved Access Managers, and is restricted to specific organizational, account, sub account and/or project information.

How to get access

The instructions below are for departments that want to give access to limited accounts for a DS Only user.

  • DS Only User Information
    The DS Only User Manual provides instructions on how to get DS Only access, and covers the basics for navigating Decision Support.
  • Decision Support Training
    Current or potential DS Only users are also encouraged to check out the resources on the left menu.
  • Principal Investigators
    The Expense by Principal Investigator (273) query is a good report to see information on expenses for a specific PI.
  • Information on Granting DS Only Access
    The DS Only Access Management Manual provides information and instructions on the process of granting DS Only access to non-KFS users.
  • Top Level Access Managers
    The first step in giving limited access to non-financial system (KFS) users is becoming an Access Manager. Top-level Access Managers have been chosen from Dean's/Vice Chancellor's Offices. These users have been given the ability to delegate authority to users at the departmental level.
    If you wish to become an Access Manager, please contact the appropriate person in your organization with delegation authority. A list of the top-level access managers, and the organizations over which they have authority, can be found below. (The organizations specified below are at the top level of an organizational hierarchy.)
Department /
College / Division
NameE-mail AddressOrg(s) of
ANRConnie TadesseConnie.Tadesse@ucop.eduL-DANR
College of Agricultural & Environmental SciencesShannon Tanguaysatanguay@ucdavis.eduL-PROG
College of Biological SciencesLaura Aranda Aresteguilarandaarestegui@ucdavis.edu3-BIOS
College of EngineeringMelanie Claguemclague@ucdavis.edu3-2400
College of Letters & ScienceVeronica Ledesmavledesma@ucdavis.edu3-CLAS
Graduate StudiesRosemary Martin-Ocamporvmartinocampo@ucdavis.edu3-GRAD
Information & Educational TechnologyAriel Cormieracormier@ucdavis.edu3-ITEC
Law SchoolBrett Burnsbcburns@ucdavis.edu3-LLAW
LibraryElizabeth Vazirievaziri@ucdavis.edu3-GENL
Offices of the Chancellor and ProvostMyrene Abotmvabot@ucdavis.edu3-CHAN
Office of ResearchDelanda Buchanandrbuchanan@ucdavis.edu3-RESH
Office of Student AffairsMonica Wilsonmawilson@ucdavis.edu3-VCSA
Office of University RelationsLeann Castanedallcastaneda@ucdavis.edu3-UREL
Office of Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer - Finance, Operations and AdministrationSteven Lantermanslanterman@ucdavis.edu3-VCFO
School of EducationDonna Connolly3-DEDU
School of MedicineLaura Antonellileantonelli@ucdavis.eduS-MEDI
School of Veterinary MedicineShireen Lovellselovell@ucdavis.edu3-VETM
UC Davis Medical Center HospitalKerri Hesterklhester@ucdavis.eduH-HSYS
Continuing and Professional Education (Formerly University Extension)Brad Tuanabatuana@ucdavis.edu3-UNEX