How to use optional fields to improve document tracking.
Organization Document Number
In the Document Overview section of every document, this 10-character field can be used for entering any information that helps you to identify it later, including a phone number of the processor or the name of the person for whom the transaction is being created. The Organization Document Number field is searchable from the KFS Document Search screen after you have entered the document type for which you are searching. For example, if you enter REQS in the Document Type field (or KFS for ALL document types), the Organization Document Number field is then searchable. It also appears in the Tracking field on FIS DS transaction reports, such as the Transaction Listing (2) and Transaction Log (54). However, if it is a Purchasing/AP document, that field is dedicated to the PO number.
This field, also in the Document Overview section, is very helpful when the 40-character Description field doesn’t allow you to provide all the details you would like. This field allows 400 characters, and is the perfect location for adding details on how the proposed transaction supports the university mission of teaching, research, public service, or patient care. It can also be used to provide more details on the requestor, the class the item(s) are for, or any other information that can assist your document approvers in fully understanding what the transaction is all about.
Org Ref ID
In the Accounting Lines section of each document that contains accounting lines, this eight-character field can be used for entering information that helps you identify the transaction on your FIS Decision Support (DS) reports. Data from this field appears on FIS DS transaction reports, such as the Transaction Listing (2) and Transaction Log (54) in the Reference # field. For example, if you are processing a membership request for Dr. Smith, you could enter SMITH in the Org Ref Id field. The accounting line would then appear in FIS DS with the Reference # of SMITH, making it easier to identify who the transaction is for.
There is another optional field specific to several CAMS documents:
- Principal Investigator: Available on many of the Capital Asset Management System (CAMS) documents, including the Asset Global (Add) and Asset, this field is used to identify the faculty or staff member responsible for or assigned to that specific capital asset. This field is very helpful, as it can be used when performing searches on the Equipment Physical Inventory Listing (375) in FIS DS. You can easily run a report on the equipment assigned to a specific UC Davis employee. This can be helpful when completing a department physical inventory and if that employee will be separating from your department/taking on different responsibilities.