Examples of how the Effort Calculator can be used
Example 1:
A PI has a nine-month appointment and works two summer months. For project A, she commits only one summer month at 100%. What is her yearly effort commitment percentage?

Answer: 9.1%
Example 2:
A PI has a nine-month appointment and works one summer month. For Project B, he commits 20 days during the academic year at 50% time and one summer month at 100%. What is his yearly effort commitment percentage?

Answer: 14.6%
Example 3:
A PI has an 11-month appointment. For Project C, she commits 12 weeks at 25%. What is her yearly effort commitment percentage?

Answer: 6.3%
Example 4:
A PI has a total 25% effort commitment on a grant. The PI has an 11-month appointment and will charge one month of summer salary to the grant. Since the PI is not charging an amount equal to the effort, there must be two entries made in the Effort Commitment system, one for the direct charge portion and one for the cost sharing.
Step 1: Calculate the portion of the effort that will be direct charged: 1 month of summer salary divided by 12 months total worked = 8%

Step 2: Calculate the portion that will not be direct charged, therefore will be cost shared: 25% total commitment on the grant less 8% direct charge = 17% for the cost share.
Step 3: Enter the commitments in the Effort Commitment system.