Self-Supporting Recharge Operations - Closing an Activity

University of California Davis Self-Supporting Recharge Operations - Closing an Activity

When a recharge activity ceases to operate, the unit must ensure that all of the activities income and expenses are appropriate and accurately posted to the associated recharge activity Chart of Account (CoA) Project within the General Ledger (GL), including all subsidies and related subsidy expenses.  The account manager must balance the activities CoA Project and then notify to request that the Project be officially closed. 

If a balance remains on the CoA Project, the unit should email with the balance amount so that an assessment can be completed to determine the disposition of remaining balances. Balances in the reserves beyond deficit coverage may be retained by the department with the approval of BIA.

If a deficit remains on the CoA Project, the unit should email with the deficit amount and an appropriate CoA string to clear the balance.    A decommissioned recharge activity may use its equipment replacement reserve to offset any recharge activity operational deficit.

All associated recharge assets should be updated to reflect the units non-depreciable activity code.