New Proposal Flowchart - Text Only

  1. Proposal Development 6-12 months
    1. Interested Faculty Steering Committee meets & develops preliminary proposal, Lead Dean consults.
    2. Steering Committee meets with Dean-Graduate Studies.
    3. Provost's Leadership Council conducts strategic review of preliminary proposal.1
    4. Market Analysis.1
    5. Steering Committee completes full proposal and solicits internal UC reviews; revises proposal, as needed.
    6. Steering Committee completes full proposal with internal UC reviewer comments to Dean-Graduate Studies.
    7. Dean-Graduate Studies submits proposals to FOA/BIA for review of financial plan and to Graduate Council for initial review.1
    8. Final proposal packaged with financial review report and internal UC reviews; submitted to Graduate Council for formal review.
  2. On-campus Approvals 3-6 months
    1. Graduate Council consults with AS2  Library and AS Planning and Budget.
    2. Graduate Council review. Approved proposal sent to Dean-Graduate studies.1
    3. Provost's Leadership Council reviews and recommends action to Chancellor.
    4. Chancellor review. Approved proposal sent to UCOP and CCGA.1 ,3
  3. Off-campus Approvals 3-6 months
    1. UCOP and CCGA review. Approved proposal forwarded for presidential approval.1
    2. Other approvals, if necessary (WASC, Assembly).
    3. Presidential approval.1
    4. Campus notification. Chair appointed; Banner and course codes created; fees submitted and approved by UCOP; admissions opened.

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  • 1a1b1c1d1e1f1gFormal approval is required for proposal to move forward in the process.
  • 2AS--Academic Senate.
  • 3CSGA--Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (systemwide).