AggieBudget News

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Optional Q1 Forecast Plan Files open 10/18/22

AggieBudget 2022-23 Q1 Forecast plan files will be open for editing on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. Plan files will remain open for editing from October 18 through end of business day on December 15, 2022.

Editing is optional for this Q1 forecast version, and changes can be made at any time during this open edit period. Plan files reflect actuals through the end of the September fiscal period for the duration of the Forecast editing period. Note that any changes or updates to the Q1 Forecast plan files will be reflected in the Q2 Forecast plan files.

Plan Files Now Open

FY2022-23 Plan Files are now open for editing. Editors with active access* will be able to make changes in their plan files for the FY22-23 Budget from March 16 until June 30, 2022. The labor snapshot date for this budget cycle is March 12, 2022.

Plan File Manager now closed

Plan File Manager is no longer open for FY22–23 Budget planning. The system is currently being prepared for FY2022-23 budget planning, and Plan Files will open for editing on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.

Plan File Manager utility was available to Plan File Managers 2/22/22–3/11/22 for the FY22–23 budget cycle.


Q2 Forecast Plan Files now open

Q2 Forecast plan files are now open in AggieBudget for editing (as of Thursday, 1/13/22). Plan files will remain open for editing from January 13 through February 14, 2022. 

Q1 Forecast Plan Files close 12/15/21

AggieBudget 2021-22 Q1 Forecast plan files will close on Wednesday, December 15, at the close of business. After that date no further edits can be made to Q1 forecast plan files. Editing is optional for this Q1 forecast version.