Proposed New Deficit Reporting Process in AggieBudget: Request for feedback

BIA is considering replacing the account level deficit reporting utility in AggieBudget with a new process that centers around a new AggieBudget report that will better support new guidelines for deficit resolution and monitoring. We also anticipate that the new report will be helpful for other types of analysis and planning activities in the units related to carryforward balances and trends. 

The new report, tentatively called the “Unit Carryforward by Fund Category” report, can be found in the AggieBudget web client by going to the reports library and looking under the BETA tab or you can also find it by using the search box in the reports library.

The Unit Carryforward by Fund Category report displays a three year trend of actual July 1 carryforward, plus the projected net sources and uses from the most recent planning version (currently the FY2020-21 forecast) to estimate the next year’s carryforward by fund category and org.

To run the report, click on the filter icon to select a top level organization and then the org level for the report. For example, you may want to run the report for your entire school or college by selecting your level 4 org in the organization filter, then select 6 in the org level filter to see the report for every level 6 org within your school or college. Click on the red magnifying glass icon to drill into numbers. If the org name in the report is blue, that means you can click on it to open a new version of the report with that org selected as the top-level org and details for the next org level down.

This report is still under development. We will add an indicator for units and fund categories that require a deficit recovery plan based on the current actual deficit. We will also as net sources and uses from the out years on the most recent planning version (for example the planned amount from the FY 2021-22 and 2022-23 columns from the FY2020-21 forecast version) to estimate the carryforward amount for July 1 2023 (FY2024 prior year carryforward). This forward looking estimated carryforward will help identify potential future problem areas or highlight recovery plans in place.

We do not plan to finalize this report until July 1, 2021 carryforward data is available.  We welcome comments and suggestions to improve and refine the functionality.  Please send any feedback to


